Свидетель Lee Bowers

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Свидетель Lee Bowers

Pruitt Taylor Vince as eyewitness Lee E. Bowers, Jr.

В Фильме О. Стоуна, Гаррисон, именно на показаниях этого свидетеля с ужасом понимает, что стрелок был не один и Боулз видел двоих стрелков за забором на Травяном Склоне. Именно его показания дают толчок к открытию дела через три года. Но что же было в показаниях Ли Боулза? Давайте посмотрим:

Вот часть  показаний Ли Боулза  для Комиссии Уоррена. Допрос ведется  адвокатом Joseph Ball и младшим адвокатом David Belin 2 апреля 1964.

Mr. BALL. Now, were there any people standing on the high side -- high ground between your tower and where Elm Street goes down under the underpass toward the mouth of the underpass?

Mr. BOWERS. Directly in line, towards the mouth of the underpass, there were two men. One man, middle-aged, or slightly older, fairly heavy-set, in a white shirt, fairly dark trousers. Another younger man, about mid-twenties, in either a plaid shirt or plaid coat or jacket.

Mr. BALL. Were they standing together or standing separately?

Mr. BOWERS. They were standing within 10 or 15 feet of each other, and gave no appearance of being together, as far as I knew.

Mr. BALL. In what direction were they facing?

Mr. BOWERS. They were facing and looking up towards Main and Houston, and following the caravan as it came down.

Mr. BALL. Did you see anyone standing on the triple underpass?

Mr. BOWERS. On the triple underpass, there were two policemen. One facing each direction, both east and west. There was one railroad employee, a signal man there with the Union Terminal Co., and two welders that worked for the Fort Worth Welding firm, and there was also a laborer's assistant furnished by the railroad to these welders.

Mr. BALL. You saw those before the President came by, you saw those people?

Mr. BOWERS. Yes; they were there before and after.

Mr. BALL. And were they standing on the triple underpass?

Mr. BOWERS. Yes; they were standing on top of it facing towards Houston Street, all except, of course, the one policeman on the west side.

Mr. BALL. Did you see any other people up on this high ground?

Mr. BOWERS. There were one or two people in the area. Not in this same vicinity. One of them was a parking lot attendant that operates a parking lot there. One or two. Each had uniforms similar to those custodians at the courthouse. But they were some distance back, just a slight distance back.

Mr. BALL. When you heard the sound, which way were you looking?

Mr. BOWERS. At the moment I heard the sound, I was looking directly towards the area -- at the moment of the first shot, as close as my recollection serves, the car was out of sight behind this decorative masonry wall in the area.

Mr. BALL. And when you heard the second and third shot, could you see the car?

Mr. BOWERS. No; at the moment of the shots, I could -- I do not think that it was in sight. It came in sight immediately following the last shot.

Mr. BALL. Did you see any activity in this high ground above Elm after the shot?

Mr. BOWERS. At the time of the shooting there seemed to be some commotion, and immediately following there was a motorcycle policeman who shot nearly all of the way to the top of the incline.

Mr. BALL. On his motorcycle?

Mr. BOWERS. Yes.

Mr. BALL. Did he come by way of Elm Street?

Mr. BOWERS. He was part of the motorcade and had left it for some reason, which I did not know.

Mr. BALL. He came up --

Mr. BOWERS. He came almost to the top and I believe abandoned his motorcycle for a moment and then got on it and proceeded, I don't know.

Mr. BALL. How did he get up?

Mr. BOWERS. He just shot up over the curb and up.

Mr. BALL. He didn't come then by way of Elm, which dead ends there?

Mr. BOWERS. No; he left the motorcade and came up the incline on the motorcycle.

Mr. BALL. Was his motorcycle directed toward any particular people?

Mr. BOWERS. He came up into this area where there are some trees, and where I had described the two men were in the general vicinity of this.

Mr. BALL. Were the two men there at the time?

Mr. BOWERS. I -- as far as I know, one of them was. The other I could not say. The darker dressed man was too hard to distinguish from the trees. The white shirt, yes; I think he was.

Mr. BALL. When you said there was a commotion, what do you mean by that? What did it look like to you when you were looking at the commotion?

Mr. BOWERS. I just am unable to describe rather than it was something out of the ordinary, a sort of milling around, but something occurred in this particular spot which was out of the ordinary, which attracted my eye for some reason, which I could not identify.

Mr. BALL. You couldn't describe it?

Mr. BOWERS. Nothing that I could pinpoint as having happened . . .

When asked if he heard anything at the time of the shooting, Bowers said he'd heard three shots.

Mr. BELIN. And were you able to form an opinion as to the source of the sound or what direction it came from, I mean?

Mr. BOWERS. The sounds came either from up against the School Depository Building or near the mouth of the triple underpass.

Mr. BALL. Were you able to tell which?

Mr. BOWERS. No; I could not.


 Из этих показаний становится ясно, что  если Боулз и видел людей у забора, ни о каких выстрелах оттуда он не говорил. Более того, он сказал что ему показалось, что выстрелы шли со стороны книгохранилища и возможно тоннеля. А те двое мужчин, которые вызвали подозрения Боулза, находились там и после выстрелов, практически до появления там полицейских.

Так где же Стоун нашел показания про дым и выстрелы с травянистого холма?  А вот где. Это интервью которое Боулз 31 марта 1966 года  Марку Лэйну для его книги.

Вот как он описывает те же события спустя 3 года.

 At the time of the shooting, in the vicinity of where the two men I've described were, there was a flash of light or there was something which occurred which caught   my eye in this immediate area on the embankment, and what this was, I could not state at that time, and at this time I could not identify it other than there was some unusual occurrence, a flash of light or smoke or something which caused me to feel like something out of the ordinary had occurred there.

Вот как может изменится контекст с годами. Но давайте все таки доверять более свежим воспоминаниям :-) И тогда становится ясно, что Ли Боулз не видел выстрела или дыма. Он только видел какое то движение и не более того. 

  И уж никак его показания не вяжутся с ролью отведеной им  Д. Гаррисоном и О. Стоуном.

Кстати, Боулз, возможно видел у забора Джеймса Фаилза. По крайней мере описание молодого человека в коричневом клечатом пиджаке соответствует тому в чем был одет Фаилз с его собственных слов.  После стрельбы Боулз его из виду потерял, но в сторону ж/д он точно не уходил. Это так же соответствует показаниям Фаилза, что он уходил в сторону книгохранилища, где его ждала машина.